
Jamie Peacock: French support is vital

7 Sep 2024

Jamie Peacock: French support is vital

IF I could have played on forever, I’d have loved to have joined Catalans Dragons and done a stint in Perpignan.
That’s if they’d have had me, of course!

I’m a big fan of what they have done over in France and I do believe it’s essential we have a French presence in Super League.

It emerged this week that Les Dracs are planning to take a game to Paris in 2026 which is another great idea.

I am also a big fan of them hopefully making it a double-header.

With Catalans versus Wigan already lined up, how good would it be to see Leeds face Hull KR, for example, on the same bill?

Who knows, Toulouse could be back in Super League by then which would also add to it all.

Super League needs big events. And taking two games to the French capital and home of the 2024 Olympics would definitely be one.

It’s important we do all we can to support them.

The best thing about our game is watching it; and it would be brilliant for Catalans to show the people of Paris, that rugby league’s not just for those in the south of France.

Read Jamie Peacock's full column on the Daily Mirror website.